I long ago forgot what this sign said. It seemed to be indicating something happening on a Wednesday, although didn't specify time or place. It was as if someone said "there's a holiday in October" but never specified which one or what day.
The physics building has been experiencing a rash of thefts lately, so they put keypads on all the main entrances to the building. In turn, they refitted all the locks with new keyholes that don't recognize the old keys.
Down this street is where my old apartment is. I miss the place a little, but I really do like my new house enough to offset it. My new house is, in the end, a lot cheaper for me anyway.
Sometimes water will just well up onto the sidewalk in Tucson from unseen sources. If you look around the water, you can see white streaks on the sidewalk. The water here is so full of foreign minerals and such that it stains the sidewalk. Ironically, this picture was taken in front of the Water Use and Efficiency office at the UA.
One day, it was so hot we walked to a restaurant nearby and got margaritas. They revived us. I picked a red strawberry margarita, knowing it was the least unusually-colored margarita on the menu. Maya and Josh both got purple ones.