Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I had President's Day off, so I did my taxes.

Monday, February 27, 2006


3-4 years ago, these guys were one of my favorite bands. I, too, got caught up in the "dance-punk" craze for about 10 minutes. Anyway, then they released their second album. They're coming to Tucson relatively soon. I have some mixed feelings about the show, to say the least.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


In case anyone ever wanted to know how big a nerd I am. My first thought when my PS1 broke was "at least my PS2 is backward compatible and can play all the old games". My second thought was "how does this thing work? Boy, it'd be cool if I could de-solder it and figure it out". So I bought a soldering iron, a breadboard, a digital multimeter, and a few other electronics supplies. So far, I've mapped the circuit for the AC-to-DC converter.


One of my Valentine's day presents to Maya. We have both been watching and re-watching the first season of The Office (British). So I put her stapler in Jello. She liked it.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I thought about shopping at Trader Joe's, but with my brand new car, it made me feel too much like a huge yuppie.