Monday, June 26, 2006

Why not?

It's been a month. A month of mostly no computer, and still no internet (I'm typing this from work, in fact).

This blog, as any readers who are still left will well know, has been a place of melancholy. Recent events/discussions/debates between two friends of mine via the internet have made me wonder if this is even necessary anymore. There's a lot of that out in blog-land, and, well, frankly, I wonder if I need to add to it.

Yet, I like doing this. This was intended as a document about my life here in Tucson, the general feeling of malaise that entails (partly because of a very good reason to stay), and the few unusual things about this town.

And I wonder about a few things. I'm getting closer to 30. My childhood dreams have been blocked from me, for a time at least, and it's going to take a little while before I figure out a life plan now. And, honestly, all the upper-middle-class retarded angst that anyone has. Yes, life is hard. It's hard for everyone. Nothing's easy, and why should it be? So, do I continue, or do I stop?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

continue... continue often

9:45 PM  
Blogger teagirl said...

keep going.. its not like you really have a reason to stop.

6:00 AM  
Blogger Shaun said...

Well, this blog, you can stop. Your dreams, you cannot. I think you need to look at what it is you want and look at steps you need to get there. You've got a lot going for you. I think you just need to step back and get some perspective on it all.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Mark S. said...

I think you should keep going. My blog is way more self-indulgent than yours, and I never even think about stopping.

10:18 PM  

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